This chapter is a mix of concepts built on biblical scripture, that support my revelation on the truth of The Kingdom of God. I intend to show you in the bible, by  revisiting scripture, how everything is about God’s Kingdom and Kingship. It can only be revealed through the lens of Kingdom mindedness. This is the reason why Christ says be ye transformed by the renewing of our minds. The most important concept in the bilble amidst all the stories and the accounts of God’s interaction with his people is, God is a King and operates as such in ruling…

The late Dr. Myles Munroe once said ” The most important introduction in your life is not to God, he knows who he is, but to yourself. This is the result of a mature Christian“. How true are those words in this day and time! We do not know who we are as children of God. As the prodigal son ‘came to himself’, discovering who he was as the son of his father. I pray this blog would affect you the same and open your eyes to who you truly are as a child of God. He is a King…

How it all started!!!! In the previous blog#101 I explained extensively the concepts surrounding the King, his kingdom and kingdom principles. I did this to help open your mind to understand better what I am about to explain in this installment of the blog series. We are going to revisit the bible with the mindset of God being a King. The heavens and earth he created(his kingdom) and it belongs to him(ownership). We establish the Kingship of God in terms of why he is to be viewed as the King of all Kings. He is the creator of the universe…

Author Comments: This topic ‘The Kingdom of God‘ is so big and important to a Christian it cannot be ignored. If you study the New testament you will see Christ’s main focus was to introduce, explore and teach on the Kingdom of God. He knew the importance of understanding the Kingdom as it relates to our salvation and walking in faith. I chose this topic because I believe the Holy Spirit has been taking me on a journey of discovery in this area. All my recent hours of bible study, books I’ve read, research into studies by people such as…