This is what it means to walk in the unknown zone as a Christian. Consider the world dark and the lighted path your objective. No need to search the darkness for a path or to see what’s out there in curiosity. That’s the temptation of forbidden knownledge that leads to evil. Stick with the lighted path and be oblivious to what surrounds you. How is this in practical application? The fact that the economy is crashing is none of your concern, you do not need the details. Reject that forbidden knowledge. God’s promise of provision should be sufficient. Your goal…

How many of us are comfortable in admitting you don’t know something? In a conference room with your boss and a few work collegues, are you comfortable admitting you don’t know what they are talking about? It seems the more knowledgable we become, the stronger the apprehension to admit we are clueless about something. We fabricate answers or make up lies to prevent others from finding out, we have no knowledge about the topic. Why is there such a pressure to be knowledgeable? This Societal construct, has created an invisible burden, that weighs on the person who doesn’t know. It…

This may seem like a topic I am not qualified to have an opinion on. I’m not a medical doctor, nurse or some wholistic nutirtionists. What I am though is a child of God that seeks the wisdom of God in his word. I truly desire to know God and his Son Jesus Christ and I believe the word of God is the key. I must prefice this blog with the fact that the heart I am referring to in this blog, is not the physical heart of man, but the spiritual heart. It is more important to man than…

I decided to make this a blog post because as my friends, I feel completely safe here to voice my beliefs and revelations on ideologies that my brothers and sisters in Christ hold dear. One of these ideologies I have been caught in for years as a Christian is the need for ‘Signs and Wonders’. When you read the bible especially the old testament you see God expressing himself by signs and wonders. This continued in the new testament as Christ conducted his ministry, he healed the sick, raised the dead and exhibited amazing signs and wonders that are indicative…