I tackled this topic because many un-believers mention that the God in the bible is not as we say full of love. They read the old testament and see the violence and judgement of God and assume that is all he is. On the other side young believers get hung up on scriptures that depict Christ as a savior, full of love and favor for us all. Then are unable to reconcile some scriptures that say he has come to bring division among families. There are two scripture sets in particular that I want to address in the blog because…

Matthew chapter ten is a very revelation packed chapter. There is so much in there, that you can branch off into many topics. In this post I want to focus on the transition from Disciple to Apostle. Notice in the first verse the twelve were referred to as disciples, but when he gave them power they were referred to as apostles. What was it that Christ saw, to make him refer to them differently? Technically the meaning of disciple is different from apostle; Disciple: A follower or pupil of a teacher, leader, or philosopher. Latin word is “discrete” which means…